Sunday, June 24, 2007

Birthday Party

Yesterday I went to my friends nephew's birthday party. At the party were a few of my friends co-worker and there was one guy that I found very cute. We all got to talking and I found out that he was half Asian and half Italian. I was shock because that is a combo that I have never seen and it was a very good mix. After hours of sitting around, chatting, watching the kids play and of course TONS of food, all the co-workers left and so did my eye candy for the day. But it was nice just to have my close friends there so we could chat and catch up with everything that is going on in each others life. As we were chatting I thought to myself how different would this conversation be if they all knew. In the end it was a very relaxing and fun day.

And on an unrelated subject, can you find the dog?

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